Industrial Accounts

Turn your industrial recyclables into a second stream of revenue, keep your site cleaner, and be a part of the environmental effort to be environmentally conscious.


A lot of industries generate scrap metal today that can be recycled. These industries establish ongoing scrap metal recycling accounts with Atlas Metal & Iron to recycle the scrap, creating a second stream of revenue. Atlas Metal & Iron has a fleet of drivers who drop off containers and swap them out when the recyclables demands that kind of service.

  • The auto manufacturing and body shops
  • Atlas recycles these materials in an environmentally responsible manner and is here to help you to achieve your zero waste initiatives
  • Construction materials—from new home construction, new office and high rise construction and even remodeling projects
  • Roofing companies building metal roofs, gutters and drainage systems
  • Makers of electrical supplies—cable, connectors and transformers
  • Appliance manufacturers
  • Canned food producers
  • Canned beverage producers.